Enlightened Wholeness from the divination of tarot and intuitive prompting

soothing and stirring the soul for your highest self.
soothing and stirring the soul for your highest self.
Freeing ourselves of anything that no longer serve us and reaching our true potential. We guide you in viewing of how our past has shaped our present, and what we can manifest in our spirit and mindsets to make our future more fulfilling.
Ironically, the pain that demanded my attention was transmitted into a space of deep understanding and self awareness. It has given me access to my true identity. I was given this life by my beautiful Spirit Guides who are there for me every breath I take in this world. Through a dream, my reservations I had about becoming a channelled healer disappeared because in that dream, I saw how my senses gave those who seek divine strength....the power they never thought they had. It was beautiful. So yes, this is how I got into this line of work: it was my ordained purpose!
Here at Ascending Synergy, its not just for healing, its you gaining major insights into your human existence. Since I study Nature and its connection to us all, within that space, I understand each and every ones path. I am simply here to guide you with compassion and honor through what the Divine Life Force has for you in our session. xoxo
SPIRITUAL WORKSHOPS: a program I designed to assist those on a journey of processing a transition in their life and have direct assistance with each step to get to their ideal state of mind and/or a optimal place in which they feel like themselves again.
TAROT READINGS; specialized harmonic sessions that are messages from your Spirit Guides to assist on your transitions, life style aspects, complex and dynamic challenges we need guidance on.
RETREAT AND EVENT ENGAGEMENTS: . I am now open to presenting these services in a spiritual retreat and public event settings. Ceremonies and Invitations are warmly welcome to contact me for my availability.. I am only accepting invitations to events that prioritize the integrity of light workers and understand its high moral code.
This type of healing are only for those who are seeking. You must have a desire for guidance when searching to know thyself && to love every single aspect of that journey taking place. I highly recommend speculators and the curious to also book a session as they often are blown away at the accuracy of how the divinity of tarot reading is operated.
For questions or requests for customized readings and counseling sessions, please send us a message. We will get back to you soon.
By Appointment